The "Alliance" fights discrimination against Roma at the local and regional levels, promotes their inclusion and raises awareness of these communities among local and regional authorities.

The Alliance operates under the auspices of the Congress of Local and Regional Authorities of the Council of Europe.

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If you wish your local or regional authority to become an Alliance participant, please use this form.

130 cities and regions from 29 countries

Please note

The term “Roma and Travellers” is used at the Council of Europe to encompass the wide diversity of the groups covered by the work of the Council of Europe in this field including Roma, Sinti/Manush, Calé, Kaale, Romanichals, Boyash/Rudari, Balkan Egyptians (Egyptians and Ashkali), Eastern groups (Dom, Lom and Abdal), groups such as Travellers, Yenish, and the populations designated under the administrative term “Gens du voyage”, as well as persons who identify themselves as Gypsies.


Encouraging results to the Congress' questionnaire on Roma

In order to better define the mandate and future activities of the European Alliance of Cities and Regions for Roma Inclusion, the Congress of Local and Regional Authorities sent a questionnaire in early April to regional and local authorities in Europe, with the aim of collecting information on their concrete needs, priorities and interests in the field of Roma inclusion. So far, more than 100 municipalities and regions have replied and some 90% among them expressed their interest in joining the Alliance. The replies show that education, employment and vocational training, together with cross-cutting issues such as rights, duties and responsibilities, Roma participation, combating stereotypes and promoting mutual understanding are the priorities to be developed in the framework of the Alliance. We invite all local and regional authorities who have not yet done so, to reply to the questionnaire and send it back to