The "Alliance" fights discrimination against Roma at the local and regional levels, promotes their inclusion and raises awareness of these communities among local and regional authorities.

The Alliance operates under the auspices of the Congress of Local and Regional Authorities of the Council of Europe.

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130 cities and regions from 29 countries

Please note

The term “Roma and Travellers” is used at the Council of Europe to encompass the wide diversity of the groups covered by the work of the Council of Europe in this field including Roma, Sinti/Manush, Calé, Kaale, Romanichals, Boyash/Rudari, Balkan Egyptians (Egyptians and Ashkali), Eastern groups (Dom, Lom and Abdal), groups such as Travellers, Yenish, and the populations designated under the administrative term “Gens du voyage”, as well as persons who identify themselves as Gypsies.


Spokesperson on Roma and Traveller Issues John Warmisham elected as vice president of the Chamber of Local Authorities

Roma issues remain a core value of the Congress

This week the Congress of Local and Regional Authorities met in Strasbourg for its 35th Congress Session.

Congress Spokesperson on Roma and Traveller Issues John WARMISHAM was elected as Vice President of the Chamber of Local Authorities. In his newly elected position, Mr WARMISHAM will ensure that Roma Issues remain among the core values of the Congress of Local and Regional Authorities.

John WARMISAHM also used the occassion to inform the Congress members that 115 mayors and regional representatives from 32 member states have so far signed the Declaration against anti-Gypsyism.

John WARMISHAM stressed: "I would like to encourage those who have not signed the Declaration yet, to do so today. It is the only Declaration against anti-Gypsyism in the world that explicitly acknowledges the impact that we as mayors and regional representatives have."